Bugs Radar

Get project errors in real time

How do you know if your projects has bugs on a client's side?
We help You

  • Unlimited Usage

    Bugs Radar allows you to use it with an unlimited number of programs, storage time, and service calls at an affordable price with results that pay for themselves.

  • Use on any Platform

    Works on all Operating Systems. Desktop, Mobile, Web, anywhere.

  • Easy Integration

    Integrating Bugs Radar with your project takes minutes and with the simple to use interface, there is no need to read any manuals or in-depth instructions.

  • Export all your data

    Integrating Bugs Radar with your project takes minutes and with the simple to use interface, there is no need to read any manuals or in-depth instructions.

  • Works in Real Time

    Bugs Radar works in real-time so that you can manage your errors, bugs and reports without any hesitation.

  • SSL Enhanced Encryption

    All data sends using SSL encryption.

Easy and Quickly

Stop parsing errors through log files and trying recognize errors through client emails.
We introduce you Bugs Radar - error tracking service for real geeks.

Register today and get all power over errors!